Dental cleaning

Essential for preventing oral health problems, maintaining fresh breath, and ensuring the overall health of your mouth. They also allow dental professionals to identify and address any potential issues early, which can save you from more extensive and expensive dental treatments in the future. During this cleaning, we are providing: Ultrasonic scaling, air abrasion and polishing.

– Ultrasonic scaling, also known as dental ultrasonic cleaning or ultrasonic dental hygiene, is a common and advanced technique used for cleaning teeth and removing plaque, tartar, and stains. This procedure uses an ultrasonic scaler, which is a handheld device that emits high-frequency sound waves or vibrations.


-Air polishing involves the use of a specialized dental instrument that sprays a high-velocity stream of air and water mixed with an abrasive powder onto the teeth. This mixture effectively removes stains, plaque, soft deposits, and bacteria from the tooth surfaces, resulting in a cleaner and brighter appearance.



-Dental polishing gives the teeth a smoother, shinier, and cleaner appearance.